
The School Administration work across a wide variety of areas. Some members work closely with the Senior Leadership Team and Teachers to implement the IB Programmes (PYP, MYP and DP), and to design excellent teaching and learning experiences. Others ensure the smooth running of day-to-day operations such as Maintenance and Security.
  • Zamil Guzairov
    Zamil Guzairov

    Zamil Guzairov

    Chief Engineer
  • Ayrat Shamsutdinov
    Ayrat Shamsutdinov

    Ayrat Shamsutdinov

    Primary Deputy Principal Mavlyutova
    Countries Worked In: Russia
    Highest Degree: Master’s
    Field of Study: Sports
    Favorite Quote: “The best teachers are those who show you where to look but do not tell what to see."
  • Evgeniy Fedorov
    Evgeniy Fedorov

    Evgeniy Fedorov

    Deputy Director
    Countries Worked In: Russia
    Highest Degree: Master’s
    Field of Study: English
    Favorite Quote: “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” - Aristotle
  • Alexandra Mokhnacheva
    Alexandra Mokhnacheva

    Alexandra Mokhnacheva

    Event Coordinator
    Countries Worked In: Russia
    Highest Degree: Master’s
    Field of Study: Music & Culture
    Favorite Quote: "The noblest art is that of making others happy", - P.T. Barnum
  • Zachary Strother
    Zachary Strother

    Zachary Strother

    DP Coordinator, MYP and DP Physics Teacher
    Countries worked in: Burkina Faso, Russia, Tanzania, United States of America
    Highest Degree: Masters
    Field of Study: Physics, Science Teaching
    Favourite Quote: "We need a dream-world in order to discover the features of the real world we think we inhabit." - Paul Feyerabend
  • Alina Valiullina
    Alina Valiullina

    Alina Valiullina

    Admissions Manager
    Countries worked in: Russia, UAE, USA
    Education: Bachelor's
    Field of study: Foreign Language
    Favorite quote: "It's amazing how easily you give up what you thought yesterday was impossible to part with." - Erich Maria Remarque
  • Ana Castro
    Ana Castro

    Ana Castro

    MYP Coordinator & Individuals and Societies Teacher
    Countries Worked In: Oman, Poland, Sweden, UK, Russia
    Highest Degree: Master's
    Field of Study: Sociology, Human Geography, Language Acquisition, Inclusive Education, Concept-Based Instruction
    Favorite Quote: "The principal goal of education should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done." Jean Piaget
  • Cassidi Flowers-Chabbi
    Cassidi Flowers-Chabbi

    Cassidi Flowers-Chabbi

    PYP Coordinator
    Countries Worked In: Qatar, Russia, United States of America, Uzbekistan
    Highest Degree: Master's
    Field of Study: Educational Leadership
    Favorite Quote: "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t." —Bill Nye
  • Lenar Mirasov
    Lenar Mirasov

    Lenar Mirasov

    Senior HR specialist
    Countries Worked In: Kyrgyzstan, Russia
    Highest Degree: Bachelor’s
    Field of Study: International Law
    Favorite Quote: “Do not judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. After that, who cares because they are a mile away and you have their shoes."


ИНН/КПП: 1659167564/165901001
ОГРН: 1161690059541
Юридический адрес: 420101, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Х. Мавлютова, д. 5
Почтовый адрес: 420101, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Х. Мавлютова, д. 5
р/с: 40703810200024000536
Казанский филиал ПАО «Ак Барс» Банк г. Казань
к/с: 30101810000000000805
БИК :049205805
Директор: Гафиятуллин Нияз Мансурович, действует на основании Устава


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