Ehsan Shariatmadari
The International School of Kazan is full of friendship, energy and activity. -
Anna Kornilova
The International School of Kazan is the best educational establishment in our republic -
Aidar Ismagilov
Knowledge of the English language opens doors to future possibilities. This is the main advantage of the International School of Kazan.
Ildar Gizyatov
All my children study at ISK and I am absolutely confident in their future. -
Ruslan Abdulnasyrov
We are very satisfied with the quality of education and English language at ISK. -
Liana Sirazetdinova
The main thing for me is that not only academic knowledge, but also emotional intelligence of children is developed at ISK. -
Nina Demikhova
We chose ISK immediately after the first visit to school 5 years ago. -
Guzel Sergeeva
Our family is really happy that we chose the International School of Kazan. -
Olesya Markelova
I visited the best Parent\Teacher conference in my life! -
Xenia Podryadnova
International education is available in our city with the native speaking teachers. It is no longer just a dream, it is a reality! -
Alexey Podryadnov
When I’ve heard about this school, I thought it’s just a business project. However, when I came here for the 1st of September, I enjoyed style of school. -
Gracia family
My three children are very happy studying at the international school, they have been very well received by all their teachers and other pupils, and we were pleasured bu that. -
Liliya Mamleeva
Excellent school! Responsive and competent team of teachers and guidance! And most importantly, children are happy to go to school! -
Ninni Viitanen
When thinking back on the time spent in ISK we can see now how much it brought in to our sons’ lives. -
Gail O'Connell
Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity to visit the International School of Kazan and to meet your amazing students and teachers.
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ИНН/КПП: 1659167564/165901001
ОГРН: 1161690059541
Юридический адрес: 420101, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Х. Мавлютова, д. 5
Почтовый адрес: 420101, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Х. Мавлютова, д. 5
р/с: 40703810200024000536
Казанский филиал ПАО «Ак Барс» Банк г. Казань
к/с: 30101810000000000805
БИК :049205805
Директор: Гафиятуллин Нияз Мансурович, действует на основании Устава
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