About isk

The International School of Kazan has two campuses. On the Mavlyutova campus, classes are offered all the way through Grade 12. On the Fedo campus, classes are offered through Grade 9; this will expand upwards each year.



If your children were asked how they would like to learn, what would they say?
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If your children were asked how they would like to learn, what would they say?

Would it be to have the ability to learn as they like, to take risks and try new things, to make mistakes and not get bad marks or be reprimanded for them?

Children want understanding, guidance, a working plan, and help to insure their previous mistakes will not happen again. They want support and complete confidence in their results. We want to meet their requests. Proper selection of educational technology and a variety of modern and «smart» design, tasks and projects which are not cut off from real life — we believe these criteria are the key to success of our students.

A child coming to our school does not just enter a beautiful building, but he or she opens the door to a world where teachers and students from all parts of the world speak the same language.

Global cooperation, tolerance, competitiveness and balanced personal development is a natural result of our work.


Nurturing global citizens through meaningful education


ISK has been designed to boost economic growth not only in Kazan but in the entire Tatarstan. It is a front-runner for the whole system of education in Tatarstan and expected to become a role model of applying best educational practices, creative design solutions and approaches to holistic children development. We believe that a meaningful education is a perfect way to prepare our students for challenges today and in the future. Therefore, a combination of rigorous curriculum, holistic programs, developing talents and cutting-edge pedagogical practices are key to nurturing global citizens. We want everyone in ISK to be a part of the international ISK family which is a home to success, happiness and safety.


ИНН/КПП: 1659167564/165901001
ОГРН: 1161690059541
Юридический адрес: 420101, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Х. Мавлютова, д. 5
Почтовый адрес: 420101, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Х. Мавлютова, д. 5
р/с: 40703810200024000536
Казанский филиал ПАО «Ак Барс» Банк г. Казань
к/с: 30101810000000000805
БИК :049205805
Директор: Гафиятуллин Нияз Мансурович, действует на основании Устава


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